Cyber security

To ensure it can withstand the increasing cyber threats, NS is continuing to improve the security of its IT (information technology) and OT (operational technology) systems. We are conducting company-wide risk analyses of IT and OT processes and of high-risk incidents. We took further technological measures in 2023, based on our Cybersecurity Roadmap. We invested in company-wide cybersecurity awareness by running phishing simulations and awareness campaigns. We also developed a long-term strategy. The Executive Board appointed the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) as the Director of Cyber Security to more explicitly integrate cybersecurity awareness and measures in the organisation. He was tasked with taking organisation-wide cyber-resilience to the next level.

Complying with the Wbni

NS is a ‘provider of essential services’, as defined in the Network and Information Systems (Security) Act (Wbni). Partly based on the cybersecurity management system (CSMS), NS is now fulfilling the duty of care and notification required under the Wbni. We use that same CSMS to provide our business customers with assurance regarding the measures we have taken. This earned us a positive assessment in the exploratory inspection by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) in 2023.

ISO27001 certification

NS prolonged ISO27001 cyber certification for the service processes surrounding the NS Business Card in 2023. We also prepared for the implementation of two new EU directives in 2023: the NIS2 (Network and Information Security Directive 2) and the CER (Critical Entities Resilience Directive), which will come into force in 2024.

Sector-wide information sharing

NS is participating in national and international initiatives to strengthen cyber security in the railway sector and in vital infrastructure more generally. In addition, in 2023, NS initiated the establishment of the European Rail CISO Forum. NS also participated in several simulations and exercises, including the national ISIDOOR cyber exercise in November.

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