
Passengers attach great importance to reliability of service. This reliability is evidenced by the punctuality of trains. For passenger punctuality, we measure the difference between the scheduled and actual arrival time of the journey. Passenger punctuality is particularly affected by arrival punctuality, cancellations and missed transfers. In 2023, passenger punctuality was lower than in 2022. One of the reasons for the decline was an increase in crowding on trains. To avoid unplanned train cancellations and better match available staff to the changed passenger numbers after COVID-19, NS runs a timetable with fewer trains. Moreover, the delayed arrival of the ICNG trains and the foreseeable teething problems when those trains were put into service, coupled with the necessary return of TRAXX rolling stock, reduced train availability. The speed restriction at Rijpwetering and various trackworks also had a big impact on punctuality. The sum of these factors made us increasingly unable to cope with delays. Classic causes of temporarily lower punctuality, such as crowded trains after school holidays and seasonal effects in autumn, had much more impact than usual.

Performance indicator

Realisation in 2023

Realisation in 2022

Target value for 2023

Minimum value for 2023

Punctuality for passengers (to 5 minutes) on the main rail network





Punctuality for passengers (to 15 minutes) on the main rail network





Punctuality for passengers (with a 5-minute margin) on the HSL





The above charts show that punctuality figures were much lower in the second half of 2023 than in the first half of the year.

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