Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands

People with a mild intellectual disability may find it a bit frightening to travel by train. To give those people extra help, NS has launched the ‘Train Training Package’.

In addition to daily contact with passengers, NS maintains close relations with many different partners and stakeholders. This dialogue, which is based on trust, enables us to seize opportunities together, identify potential risks at an early stage and manage them where possible.

Discussions with our stakeholders generate valuable knowledge and ideas for our organisation and contribute to improved and sustainable passenger services. This ongoing dialogue provides input for the steps we are considering to keep the Netherlands accessible in a sustainable manner, for everyone.

Our stakeholders

NS’s stakeholders are all the people and groups who are influenced by our actions and who, in turn, influence our organisation and services. NS is continuously monitoring who those stakeholders are. The nature of our contacts with stakeholders is determined in some cases by legislation (as in the case of government ministries and regulators), in some cases by collaboration in the transport sector (with carriers and ProRail) and in other cases by the public nature of our service (passengers, politicians, the media and interest groups). Some stakeholders are on the scene only temporarily in connection with specific subjects, but their input too can be relevant and we take it seriously. We organise sessions with stakeholders on specific themes and engage in broad dialogue with them on the direction of NS and indeed of public transport as a whole. Themes in last year’s dialogue included the new franchise, rate differentiation and the impact of inflation on train fares. Dialogue with our stakeholders occurs at various levels within the organisation, with the Executive Board often being involved.

Collaboration in the transport sector

We work with partners in the transport sector to ensure an optimum door-to-door journey for our passengers. This collaboration features prominently at all levels of our organisation, in terms of strategy as well as operations, and with due regard for the long-term vision drawn up in the Mobility Alliance on improving and optimising mobility within the Netherlands.

Vision for the Future of Public Transport up to 2040

National and regional parties have joined forces to contribute to the societal challenges associated with accessibility and liveability in the Netherlands. NS has made a major contribution to the reassessment of the Vision for the Future of Public Transport (TBOV2040) programme: due to persistent behavioural effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising prices, public transport is facing lagging demand and increasing costs. This is why the public transport sector has discussed additional policy options that could be added to the Vision for the Future of Public Transport development agenda.
In addition, NS is closely involved in establishing the new Circular Public Transport workflow and in the creation of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) action agenda. BRT is a bus system that operates at high frequency and high speed, combines reliable journey times with high transport capacity, offers comfort and is easily recognisable as a high-quality transport product. Governments and transport operators can use the action agenda to make joint agreements to remove barriers to BRT and speed up the creation of BRT connections and corridors.
We also participated in and provided input to knowledge sessions with partners on public transport hubs and contributed to a digital tool for creating an action perspective for such hubs.

Tailored regional solutions

NS attaches great importance to regional accessibility. Every year, regional administrators and the NS Executive Board discuss their shared ambitions and challenges and collaboration between the various regions and NS.
Over the past year, we continued our consultations with regional authorities about the development of the timetable and the railway and public transport infrastructure, and about the role of train services in accessibility and mobility issues. The regional authorities are also greatly interested in hub development (partly with a view to the urgent housing construction task), international railway connections and affordability.
We also maintain our focus on the continued development of public transport and rail infrastructure and the role of the train in accessibility programmes. Regional authorities in the Netherlands are facing major tasks and complex challenges, such as housing construction and the associated accessibility and mobility issues. NS can make a key contribution to help solve these issues. NS is keen to intensify its collaboration with provincial and regional authorities by jointly developing plans and implementing measures.

Dilemmas in discussions

By sharing dilemmas with stakeholders at an early stage, we seek to provide insight into our considerations and jointly reach solutions. We provide our stakeholders with feedback on their ideas and recommendations and show the effects of the dialogue on NS policy, both in regular discussions and thematic sessions and in reports. The aim is that passengers overall should benefit, although there will inevitably be passengers for whom any given choice has an adverse effect. There may also be an impact on NS’s financial position, in view of its franchise obligations. We discuss these dilemmas with consumer organisations. Over the past year we consulted with our stakeholders on a range of issues, including the timetable, fares and accessibility.

Consultations with trade unions

NS attaches great importance to maintaining good relations with trade unions. In September 2022, NS agreed with the trade unions on a new collective labour agreement that would run from 1 July 2022 until 1 January 2024. Last year, NS talked to the unions about the implementation of the collective labour agreement, various organisational changes, temporary and permanent measures to address the capacity problem, and the pension scheme. On 10 October 2023, NS entered into talks with unions on a new collective labour agreement for 2024 and beyond.

Case study: Public safety

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, public safety in public transport has deteriorated. NS sees this reflected in an increase in the number of reports of aggression and violence towards our staff. This picture is confirmed by the rating given by our employees to public safety: subjective safety dropped from a score of 6.3 in 2020 to 5.5 in 2022 (this is a biennial measurement).
NS is taking a range of measures to reverse this trend. These include full entry checks, night-time closure of stations and modifications to station design. We do this in close consultation and coordination with municipalities, the police, ProRail and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), among others. However, there are limits to what NS can do and is permitted to do. NS is therefore consulting with ministries and politicians on what the government should do to improve public safety. We have joined forces with the unions and with other carriers in these efforts. NS is also seeing more and bigger events being organised compared with pre-COVID-19 times. These can create crowd control problems on our trains and at our stations. To reduce this risk, NS frequently consults with event organisers and venue managers, as well as organisations such as the Royal Netherlands Football Association (KNVB).

Case study: Accessibility

People with a mild intellectual disability sometimes find it stressful to travel by train. They may have questions about how to buy a ticket, or where to go if they need help. NS has designed and developed the TreinTrainPakket specifically for and with people from this target group. The package consists of an online explanation and practice module, a ‘Steffie’ welcome booklet using images rather than text, and a Virtual Reality game in which users can practise travelling by public transport at different levels. In an experiential journey, an NS staff member gives participants a tour of a station then travels with them for a while, virtually.
Wouter Koolmees handed out the first TreinTrainPakketten in January 2023. There was considerable interest in this event from within the target audience and from stakeholders. Besides a large number of people with mild intellectual disabilities and their carers, the gathering included some forty stakeholders from several government ministries (Infrastructure and Water Management, Finance, Health, Welfare and Sport and Foreign Affairs), provinces, transport regions and interest groups for people with disabilities. In addition, several large companies were represented at the event. TreinTrainPakketten have now been handed out several times, and 21 schools for special secondary education and care institutions have worked with the packages. There are also applications for 2024.

Stakeholder dialogue diagram


Nature of dialogue

Content of dialogue


Effects of the dialogue on NS policy

EU institutions, CER, UIC, ERA

Informational, creation and to determine standpoints  

4, 5, 6, 7, 10


Strengthening the position of national and international passengers


Optimising cooperation between European railway companies and institutions

Promote sustainable mobility in Europe and a level playing field in relation to other modes of transport such as air and road, stimulate international rail traffic (for distances up to 700 km), investments and co-financing, stimulate innovation, facilitate international door-to-door travel, improve international ticketing and customer services


Sustainable investments in the railway sector that contribute to climate objectives by encouraging the modal shift from air to rail


NS’s reputation as a sustainable partner

National (NL)

Nature of dialogue

Content of dialogue


Effects of the dialogue on NS policy

Customers (consumers and businesses)

Informational, creative, monitoring

1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12


NS Voordeel pilot has been continued on several routes. The discount per train journey is determined by our crowd data and can be as much as 60%.

N.B. Some customer groups are represented by interest groups. See also LOCOV

Timetable, public transport card (OV-chipkaart), customer satisfaction, handling complaints and inquiries, consumer portfolio, corporate portfolio, collaboration with bus, tram and metro companies, accessibility, public safety


The travel information boards visualise how long a train is, the direction of travel and which train section, if any, will remain at the station or be added.


Innovation in Mobility-as-a-Service: with TIER as the first sub-modality to be offered fully integrated via RiVier through the NS App. Furthermore, Hely has launched a new share bike programme. 


Checking in and out by (contactless) debit card, credit card or mobile.  


In the purchase flow of partners buying train tickets. Travellers can purchase a group ticket in the app since this year, travellers can buy e-tickets 90 days in advance in the NS app.


Services to international travellers have been improved by making it easier to cancel or change tickets online.


Improve range of mobility services for business market, with a focus on eliminating administrative hassle (NS Go) 


Expand the number of stations where travel assistance is offered (+27 stations)


Introduction of a TreinTrainPakket aimed at teaching clients with mild intellectual disabilities to travel by train.


Verification of accessibility specifications Double-Decker New Generation (DDNG) with interest groups and accessibility experts.


Explore accessibility specifications for new ticket vending machine.


Further professionalise the NS Control Room.


Integrated approach to 'nuisance asylum seekers on public transport'.

Shareholder Ministry of Finance

Intensive involvement

3, 5, 6, 8


Practical implementation of financial policy in connection with the 2022 Policy Document on State Participations

NS operations, remuneration, strategy, appointments, major investments, main rail network franchise 2025-2033, financial management, CSR, international operations


Appointment of new Supervisory Board members and Executive Board members


Management remuneration


Transparent reporting according to GRI


Progress GRC measures and saving efficiency measures


Investment decision on S5G


Recalibration of strategy


Restructuring and winding down of foreign activities


Shareholders' resolution on main rail network franchise 2025-2033


Follow-up CSR policy in connection with 2022 Policy Document on State Participations (including CSRD)

Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Intensive involvement

1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12


Transport Plan 2024, half-yearly and annual report for 2023

Main rail network franchise 2025-2033, NS performance, door-to-door journey, travelling and working in safety, international connections, HSL South train services, personal and railway safety, OVpay, accessibility, timetable, transparency, sustainability, accessibility


Timetable for 2024-2025 and beyond


NS staff shortage, integrated approach to staff shortage, consequences for timetable


Preparation for new franchise, Schedule of Requirements


KPIs/fulfilment of franchise obligations


International train services


Passenger spread


International benchmark


Availability payment and Transition plan 2023


Supporting accessibility measures 2023-2024

National political bodies

Informational, intensive involvement

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 10, 11, 12


Finalise trajectory of new main rail network franchise from 2025 to 2033

Draft main rail network franchise, operational performance, public transport affordability, ERTMS, accessibility, public safety, regional accessibility, staff shortage, space and mobility


Follow up recommendations of review report on disruption 4 June with ProRail


Greater focus on public safety, both for staff and passengers on the train and at the station


Commitment to improve connections to and from regions


Various measures to reduce staff shortages and optimise timetables


Follow-up study into acceleration and expansion of
international, cross-border connections, including to Aachen and via the Utrecht-Arnhem-German border corridor


Follow-up study for the Lely Line


Accessibility of rolling stock increased, Administrative Agreement on Accessibility concluded and various studies are being carried out to improve services for passengers with a disability

Regulators – ACM, IL&T, Dutch Data Protection Authority

Involvement, consultation (‘guidance’) and information

4, 7, 11, 12


Improve execution and service provision

Responding to regular and ad hoc requests for information.


Continue to promote compliance

Discussing topical subjects such as achieving a more professional safety culture, market issues, acceptance of rolling stock, safety incidents, incident investigations, clarification of new regulatory requirements, and providing input for market studies and consultations.




Position statements


Increasing safety on the track, both for NS and throughout the sector


Intensive involvement

1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12


Cooperation on seasonal measures, e.g. implementation of winter weather scenarios

Long-Term Rail Agenda, timetable development, performance of the
rail system, availability of infrastructure, planning of future rail maintenance and improvement, safety, accessibility, station development, ERTMS, sustainability, joint performance indicators (in the new franchise)


Cooperation in the field of security (policy)


Cooperation on sustainable business practice and accessibility


Cooperation with regard to stations (management, maintenance, development and new construction)


Better alignment between infrastructure and the timetable


Cooperation with regard to the planning of large infrastructure works


Cooperation on start-up after major disruptions and communication to passengers


Cooperation with regard to sustainable development and placing it on the political agenda


Cooperation on joint performance indicators in the new franchise


Intensive involvement

1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 12


Better train product by incorporating suggestions from consumer organisations in theme sessions and advice (timetable, pricing policy,
accessibility, communication, etc.)

LOCOV (National Public Transport Users' Forum)

NS timetable, fares, travel information, service delivered to passengers, transport plan, new rolling stock, customer satisfaction, punctuality, rolling stock, accessibility, international connections, HSL services


Adoption of some opinions regarding the 2024 Timetable (such as between Amsterdam and Deventer and between Utrecht and Driebergen-Zeist)


Adoption of several recommendations regarding NS's general terms and conditions.


Adoption of Rover proposal regarding spending discount on BVOV.

Interest groups, NGOs, green partners such as the NVDE

Involvement, consulting and information

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12


Identify existing barriers for people with disabilities and jointly improve products and services by solving identified barriers

Promote sustainable mobility, promote accessibility of train services for people with a disability


Discussions with NGOs and partners about the procurement of traction energy and the accessibility of the Netherlands, resulting in useful feedback and, where possible, appreciation for NS's sustainable direction and strengthening the mutual relationship

Trade unions

Intensive involvement

3, 7


Implementation of CLA

Negotiating new collective agreement 2024, pension scheme, employee interests,


Various organisational changes

labour market issues, personnel and social consequences of organisational changes


(Temporary) measures for capacity issues

Suppliers, subcontractors

Consulting, negotiating

1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10


Focus on cost reduction for NS as a result of financial situation

Operational performance, sustainable business practice, innovation, financial performance, integrity and compliance, risk management, quality assurance


Focus on reliability, availability and costs of products and services for business-critical processes


Encouraging cooperation and innovation with suppliers, including to make the supply chain more sustainable


Informational, intensive involvement

All NS-related subjects


Position statements


Improving NS image in line with operational performance

Regional authorities and official representatives of the provinces, metropolitan regions and municipalities, other carriers and consumer organisations

Informing, negotiating, collaborating

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12


New, more modern stations and redevelopment of the station environment, including chain facilities

Quality of train services, crowded trains, mobility behaviour/spreading passengers, punctuality, network development, redevelopment of existing stations, public transport and railway discussion platforms, advisory body on the Multi-annual Programme for Infrastructure Space and Transport for the northwest Netherlands (BO MIRT NWNL), vision of the future of public transport and the public transport development
agenda, national environmental strategy, timetable, cross-border transport, personal/railway safety, transport sector-wide agreements, regional franchises, noise nuisance near the railways, hub development


Quality of train services, crowded trains, punctuality, network development, development and redevelopment of existing stations, public transport and railway discussion platforms, vision of the future of public transport and the public transport development agenda, national environmental strategy, timetable, cross-border transport, personal/railway safety, transport sector-wide agreements, regional franchises, noise and vibration nuisance near the railways, hub development


Regional customisation for train replacement bus transport in the event of train withdrawals


Joint public transport development agendas for attractive stations and better accessibility from door to door


Customisation in the main rail network timetable and improved connections to regional public transport


Various bicycle parking facilities free for first 24 hours, expansion of P+R locations


Collaborating on regional challenges and ambitions for Vision for the Future of Public Transport


Door-to-door journey (including MaaS projects)


Collaborate and explore options with municipalities on large-scale housing construction around stations as part of national-regional programmes such as Uned (Utrecht), Samen Bouwen aan Bereikbaarheid (SBaB), MoVe (Zuid-Holland), SmartwayZ, Spoorzone Zwolle


Measures around Meppel for more reliable and faster connections between the north of the Netherlands - Randstad


IC Randstad-Aachen and accelerating Berlin train


Intensification of cooperation with stakeholders based on our commitment to broad mobility, deployment of extra mobility developers


Cooperation in the region on, among other things, availability payment, passenger spread (education and business) and sustainable recovery

Internal: central and local works councils, vocational training

See: NS as an employer 

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