Stations and their environment

During the Week Without Waste in May, passengers at the four largest stations could win a reusable cup if they promised not to use disposable cups any more.

Stations are crucial hubs in sustainable mobility networks and in the urban development challenge; as such, they are a pillar of NS’s strategy.

We want stations and station areas to be safe and meaningful centres of activity in society. High-quality stations, their surroundings and facilities are important components of the public transport system in the Netherlands and help passengers opt for the train.
Together with ProRail, we again developed and realised the conversion and new construction of several stations in 2023, and worked with partners on area development projects. Together, we are continually improving the quality of facilities and services at our stations in the Netherlands. To this end, we have drawn up a Station Agenda together with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and ProRail. The State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management presented the Agenda to the House of Representatives in February 2023.

NS Stations works for all passenger transport providers in the Netherlands. NS supports daily operations at all stations in the country by keeping them clean, intact and safe. We do so in collaboration with ProRail. In addition, we will focus on the provision of services such as bicycle and car parking, public transport bicycles, toilets and luggage lockers, and commercial operations: leasing retail spaces and operating our own retail facilities. In doing so, we focus on the facilities that make the time passengers spend on our trains and at our stations more enjoyable, commensurate with the size of the station and the number of passengers.
The needs of passengers during the parts of their journey to and from the station are changing. With the rise of shared mobility and denser building in station areas, stations are increasingly becoming crucial transport hubs. NS has close ties of collaboration with its partners; after all, if we are to provide maximum convenience in the door-to-door journey, effective coordination among all parties involved is essential.

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