Our performance in a wider context


NS commissions the RepTrak Company (www.reptrak.com) to gauge its reputation. Using a stakeholder survey, the RepTrak model reveals which factors influence the reputation of an organisation or brand and to what extent. NS’s average is made up of the four quarterly figures. The 2023 RepTrak score (62.5) remained stable compared with 2022 (62.9) and was below the target of 64.0. Operational performance is the biggest determining factor for NS’s reputation and showed a slight decline. Last year, NS faced concerns and complaints about overcrowded trains, disappointing punctuality and a large number of disruptions combined with the then-potential fare increase.

Benchmarking against other carriers

As agreed with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management in the main rail network franchise, we compare NS’s level of service with that of other European rail operators. We monitor our performance and gather input to improve our services. We completed the benchmark survey for the 2017–2021 period in 2023. The results were heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. NS saw a sharper decline in passenger numbers than other carriers, partly due to relatively strict lockdowns and the shift among commuters towards working from home. By shortening trains in response to lower passenger numbers, we were able to save more costs than other carriers.
Compared with other countries, the Netherlands is the country where passengers make the largest financial contribution. In other countries, the government funds more of the costs of the rail system.
Partly due to the continuing supply of transport during the COVID-19 pandemic and high punctuality rates, NS and other carriers enjoyed high and rising customer satisfaction scores. The benchmark further shows that other carriers adjust for disruptions differently. We are analysing those differences.
Compared with other carriers, we are one of the leaders in sustainability. The lower number of passengers travelling with NS did result in more energy consumption and CO2 emissions per passenger-kilometre. All carriers and rail operators are facing risks from climate change, such as increased risk of flooding, overheated tracks and overheated trains.


NS is transparent about its performance. Every month, it reports via www.ns.nl on the latest scores for the KPIs that have been set for the main rail network franchise, with detailed supporting evidence.

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