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Customer satisfaction

Attracting birds and insects makes stations and the areas surrounding them greener and boosts biodiversity.

Three core needs of passengers must be satisfied: planning control, the freedom to make one's own choices, and a feeling of being appreciated as a customer. We meet these core needs by providing high-value and personalised services.

Our sustainable spearheads


Equal travel opportunities for all


Inclusive travel information


Energy-efficient operation


Customer satisfaction with the main rail network and the high-speed line

Since 2021, we have measured general customer satisfaction levels using the Public Transport Customer Barometer (OVKB). In 2021, fieldwork for the OVKB was carried out only during eight weeks in the last quarter of the year. As a result, no annual figures are available. The figure for the last quarter of 2021 will be published on on 21 March 2022.

Customer service and social media interaction

Customers are satisfied with our Customer Service department. In 2021, 84% of customers gave this department a score of 7 out of 10 or higher; the same figure as in 2020. In 2021, due to the fall in passenger volumes the number of contacts per channel decreased compared with the years before the COVID-19 outbreak.  

Number of contacts per month

Social media









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